The History of Buffalo, New York
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..... LINKS to each year
YEAR | |
Abbott Theatre |
Academy of Music | |
Adam, J. N. |
Adam, Meldrum and Anderson Company | |
Adam, Robert B. | |
Adams Power Station | |
Adaptive reuse | |
Adelphia Communications Company | 2002 |
Ads from the 1930s |
Aerospace industry |
African-Americans |
1795, 1796, 1839, , 1843, 1855, 1863, 1914, 1920, 1940, 1960, 1965, 1967,
Airacobra | |
Airacomet | 1942 |
Air conditioner | 1902 |
Aircraft |
1909, 1910... 1926, 1935, 1941, 1946, 1947,
Airport | 1926 |
Akron, NY | See Newstead below |
Alberger, Franklin A. |
Albright Art Gallery |
Albright, John J. | |
Albright, Langdon | |
Allegany Reservation | 1800 |
Allen, Lewis Falley | |
Allen, Orlando | |
Allentown | |
Allentown Art Festival | 1957 |
Americana |
American Express | 1842, |
American Hotel (Main St. near Eagle) |
American Hotel (Main St. & Ferry) | |
American Institute of Architects |
American League | 1900 |
American Malting Company | 1899, |
American Revolution | 1775 |
American Shipbuilding Company | 1962, |
Andrle, Otto F. | |
Andrews Building | |
Andrews, Major Andre |
Amherst, NY | |
Applications |
Ararat | |
Arcade, The |
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Elevator | |
Arlen, Harold | |
Armories |
Arnold, C. D. |
Art | |
Arts & Crafts Movement | |
Associated Buffalo Architects Inc. | |
Attica Correctional Facility | 1971 |
Auditorium, The |
Austin Building | |
Austin Street |
Automobile |
Baetzhold, A |
Bailey |
Baltic | 1847 |
Bank of Buffalo |
Bankers |
Banks | |
Baptist Church | 1837 |
Barker, Pierre A. |
Barnes Bancroft & Co. |
Barton, Hiram |
Baseball | |
Basil Brothers | |
Baxter, A. E. | |
Beachy, Lincoln | 1911 |
Becker, Philip |
Bedell, Harriet M. |
Beebe, M. E. | |
Beer | |
Beirel, Max | |
Belfer, Lauren |
Bell Aircraft |
Bell, Lawrence |
Belt Line Railroad |
Bennett Beach | |
Bennett, Joseph | |
Bennett, Lewis J. |
Berkshire Hathaway | 2002, |
Berlin, Dorothy Goetz | |
Berrick, Alfred E. | |
Best Street | |
Bethlehem Steel |
Bethune, Louise Blanchard | |
Beveridge, Charles E. | |
Bidwell & Banta | 1846, 1847 |
Bidwell, Daniel Davidson |
Big Tree Road | 1805 |
Bird, William A. |
Birge Family |
Bishop, Charles F. |
Bishop Fallon High School |
Bitter, Karl |
Black Rock | |
Blacks | See African-Americans above |
"Blizzard of 77" | 1977 |
Blocher, John | |
Boasberg, Al | |
Boldt, John E. |
Born, Philip | 1845 |
Bottle collecting |
Bowler, R. Arthur | |
Braun, Joseph | |
Breckenridge St. Presbyterian Church |
Brent, John E. |
Brewing Industry |
Bricks | |
Briggs, Horace | |
Brisbane Building | |
Broadway | |
Broexl Hotel | |
Brodie, Stephen |
Brown, Christopher N. |
Brown, Clinton |
Brown, John Y. | 1976, 1977 |
Brown, William Wells |
Brush, Alexander | |
Bryant Street | 1854 |
Buchanan, William I. | |
Buck, George S. |
Buffalo |
Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts | 1862 |
Buffalo Amateurs | |
Buffalo and Attica Railroad | 1852 |
Buffalo & Black Rock Land and Railroad Company | 1834 |
Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Museum | |
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library | |
Buffalo and Susquehanna Iron Company |
Buffalo Architecture Center | |
Buffalo Athletic Club |
Buffalo Automobile Club | 1900 |
Buffalo Aviation Meet | 1911 |
Buffalo Barracks |
Buffalo Bill | |
Buffalo Bills | 1973, 1988, 1991, 1993 |
Buffalo Bisons | |
Buffalo Board of Education | 1965, 1976 |
Buffalo Board of Trade | 1848 |
Buffalo Braves Basketball Team | 1970 |
Buffalo Central School |
Buffalo Convention Center | 1978 |
Buffalo China Inc. |
Buffalo City Water Works | 1849 |
Buffalo Club |
Buffalo Consistory |
Buffalo Country Club | 1910 |
Buffalo Creek | 1800, 1818 |
Buffalo Driving Park | |
Buffalo Doubles |
Buffalo Female Academy (Buffalo Seminary) |
1900, |
Buffalo Fair Grounds | 1911 |
Buffalo Forge Co. | |
Buffalo Gas and Light Company |
Buffalo Gazette | 1811 |
Buffalo General Hospital | 1858 |
Buffalo German Insurance Co. |
Buffalo History Websites | |
Buffalo Harbor Company, The | 1819 |
Buffalo Historical Society |
Buffalo Library | |
Buffalo Light Rail Rapid Transit System | 1985 |
Buffalo Lighthouse | |
Buffalo movies | |
Buffalo Municipal Airport | 1926 |
Buffalo Museum of Science |
Buffalo Naval and Servicemen's Park | 1977 |
Buffalo Niagara International Airport | 1997 |
Buffalo Park System | |
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra | |
Buffalo Pitts Company |
Buffalo Plains | |
Buffalo Police | 1880 |
Buffalo postcards | |
Buffalo Pottery |
Buffalo Preservation Board | |
Buffalo Public Art | |
Buffalo Public Library | |
Buffalo Public Schools | |
Buffalo River | |
Buffalo's Best |
Buffalo's Own Regiment |
Buffalo Sabres | 1970, 1975, 1996 |
Buffalo Saengerbund |
Buffalo Savings Bank |
Buffalo Starch Factory | 1864 |
Buffalo State Office Building |
Buffalo Theater |
Buffalo Urban League | 1927 |
Buffalo Zoo | 1875 |
Buildings | |
Bull, Absalom | 1830 |
Burnham, D. H. | |
Buses | 1950 |
Bush, Myron P. | |
Busti, Paolo | |
Butler, Edward H. |
Caldwell, Taylor | 1900 |
Calling card | |
Calspan |
Canal District | |
Canisius College | 1870 |
Caroline Incident | |
Carrére, John Merven | |
Carrier, Willis |
Cary, Dr. Charles |
Cary, Dr. Walter |
Cary. Evelyn Rumsey | |
Cary, George | |
Casino Niagara | 1996 |
Cattaraugus Reservation | 1800 |
Castle, The (Fort Porter) |
Castle Inn |
Cathedral Park |
Cathedral School (St. Joseph's) |
Caudell, Richard | |
Caulkins, F. W. |
Cazenove, Theophile | 1800, 1802 |
Cazenovia Park | |
Cemeteries | |
Central High School |
Central Park | |
Central Presbyterian Church | 1912, |
Central Terminal - See New York Central Terminal below |
Chapin, Dr. Cyrenius |
Chapin, Dr. Daniel | 1841 |
Chapin, Edward Payson |
Chapman, Charlie "The Tuna" | 1981 |
Chappelle, Frank H. | |
Chautauqua |
Cheektowaga |
Chemical industry | 1920, |
Children's Hospital |
Chinese | |
Chippewa Market |
Cholera epidemic |
Christopher, Joseph | 1980 |
Churches |
Circle Theatre |
City Bank | 1836 |
City Charter |
City Court Building |
City Directories |
City Hall |
City Honors School |
City limits |
"City of Light" (Lauren Belfer's novel) |
City Ship Canal |
Civic Stadium |
Civil War 1861-1865 | |
Clarence, NY | |
Clarendon Hotel | |
Clark, Archibald | 1812 |
Classic Buffalo | |
Clement Brick Museum |
Cleveland, Frances Folsom | |
Cleveland, Grover |
1837, 1859, 1863, 1870, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1893
Clinton Brown Company Architecture/Rebuild | |
Clinton, George W. |
Cobblestone streets | |
Cobblestone Historic Preservation District | |
Coe Place | |
Coit, George | |
Colby, Patricia Oishei | 2001 |
Cold Springs |
Coles, Robert Traynham |
Col. Francis Ward Pumping Station | 1915 |
Colonial Circle | |
Colored Methodist Society | 1831, |
Colored Musicians Club |
Colton, Bishop Charles Henry | |
Columbian Exposition (Chicago) | |
Commercial Advertiser |
Commercial Bank | 1834 |
Common Council | |
Concrete Grain Elevator | 1914 |
Connecticut Street Armory | |
Conners, William J. | |
Consistory |
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation |
Cook, Eli |
Cooke, Walter P. | 1929, |
Copper | 1910, |
Cornell, Katharine | |
Cornell Mansion |
Cornell University Library - New York Historical Literature | |
Cotton, Ana | 1989 |
Courier Cable Company | 1971 |
Courier Express |
Court House | |
Coxhead, John H. | |
Crow's Tavern |
Crystal Beach |
Curtin, Federal Judge John | 1965 |
Curtiss, Glenn H. |
Curtiss, Harlow C. |
Curtiss-Wright Corp. |
Czechs | 1924, |
Czolgosz [chol'gosh], Leon |
Dan Montgomery's |
Dann, E. S. |
Darry, William | 1852 |
Dart, Joseph | |
Davis, Jacob | |
Dayton, Lewis P. | |
Deck, Gregory | 1921 |
Deco restaurants | |
de Forest, Marian | |
Delaware and North Cemetery | |
Delaware Avenue |
Delaware Historic District | |
Delaware Park (Original name: The Park) | |
De Tocqueville | |
Diebold, Charles, Jr. |
Diehl, Conrad |
Dinsmore, Ed | 1948 |
Directories |
Dodge Street | |
Donovan, William | |
Dorn, Joseph |
Dorsheimer, William |
Downing, Andrew Jackson |
Dirigible | 1906 |
Dowd, Bernard J. |
Downtown |
Drama |
Drennan, William Alexander |
Driving Park |
Dubois, W.E.B. | 1905 |
Dug's Dive |
Dunbar, Robert |
Dwight, Timothy |
Eagle Hotel |
Eagle Park | 1912 |
Eagle Street Theatre |
Eagle Tavern |
East Buffalo Livestock Exchange |
Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church | 2001 |
East North Street Cemetery |
East Side | |
East Utica Street | |
Eberhardt, L.P.A. and Fred | |
Ederer, Martin F. | |
Eidlitz, Cyrus | 1887 |
Edisonia | |
Edna Place | |
Electric chair | |
Electric Elevator |
Electricity | |
Electric street cars | |
"Elephant Joe" | |
Elevators | |
Elk Street Market | |
Ellicott St. | |
Ellicott, Andrew | |
Ellicott Historic Preservation District |
Ellicott, Joseph | |
Ellicott Square Building |
Ellicott, Lt. James D. | 1812 |
Elmwood Avenue |
Elmwood Music Hall | |
Ely, W. C. | 1904 |
Emergency Hospital | 1902 |
Entertainment Hall of Fame | |
Erie Basin Marina | 1974 |
Erie Canal |
1817, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1855, 1860, 1869, 1900, 1925, |
Erie County | |
Erie County Savings Bank | |
Erie Indians | 1655 |
Erie Railroad | 1869, |
Erie Street | 1860 |
E.R. Thomas Motor Company | 1908 |
Esenwein, August | |
Ethnic Groups | See specific names, e.g., African-Amrican, Irish-American |
Evans Elevator |
Evans, William | 1927 |
Fagant, John |
Falconwood | |
Falzone, Lucy | 1989 |
Fargo, William G. |
Fassett, Theodore | |
Feine, August | |
Fenians |
Fidelity Trust Company | |
Figas, Father Justin M. |
Fillmore, Glezen |
Fillmore Hotel |
Fillmore, Millard |
1800, 1815, 1823, 1826, 1828, 1833, 1844, 1846, 1849, 1850, 1858, 1874, 1881 |
Fillmore neighborhood | |
Film history | |
First Baptist Church | |
First Battalion, Thirteenth US Infantry |
First Church of Christ in Buffalo |
First Unitarian Church | |
First Ward |
Fitch Creche | |
Fleet, Reuben H. | 1924 |
Flint & Kent Deprtment Store | |
Flint Hill |
Flour Mills - See Grain Elevators below | |
Folsom, Frances | |
Ford Motor Co. | 1992 |
Forest Lawn Cemetery |
Fort Niagara |
Fort Porter |
Fosdick, Dr, Frank Sheldon | |
Fosdick-Masten H. S. | |
Fox, Austin | |
Fox Movie Company | 1929, |
Franklin Street Cemetery | |
Free-Soil party | 1848
French and Indian War | |
"French Castle" |
Front, The (Front Park) | |
Frontier Theatre |
Fruit Belt |
Fryer, Robert Livingston | |
Fuhrmann, Louis |
Fulton History website |
Fulton, Robert | 1807, 1813 |
Fuqua, Charles G. |
Gardner, Edith Sidway | |
Gardner, Noah |
Gardner, William Allan | |
Gates Circle | |
Geddes, James | 1808 |
G. Elias & Bro., Inc., | 1921 |
General Motors | 1923, 1943 |
Genesee Gateway Historic District |
Genesee Hotel | |
Geography | |
Geology |
German American Bank | |
German Insurance Co. | |
Germans |
Gibson, Johnson and Ehle |
Gold |
Goldman, Mark | |
Goldome |
Good, Daniel |
Goodyear, Charles W. |
Goodyear, Ella Portia Conger |
Goodyear, Frank H. , Sr. |
Grain Elevator | |
Grand Island | |
Grande, Joseph A. | |
Granger, Erastus |
Grant, Frank |
1896, |
Grant / Amherst Neighborhood |
Grant, W. T. | |
Grattan, W.S. | |
Gratwick, William H. | |
Gratwick, Jr., William H. | |
Greatbatch, Wilson |
Great Northern Grain Elevator | |
Greeks | 1924, |
Green, Anna Katherine |
Green, E. B. | |
Griffin, James |
"Griffon" | |
Grosvenor Library | 1870 |
Guaranty Building |
Hamlin family |
Hamlin Park | |
Harbor Inn | |
Harrington, Isaac R. |
Harrison, Benjamin | 1888 |
Hauptman, Herbert | 1985, |
Haven, J. F. | |
Haven, Solomon G. |
Hawley, Chris | |
Hengerer, William |
Hennepin, Father Louis |
Hens, Mathias |
Hippodrome Theatre | 1904, |
Hispanics | |
Historic buildings | |
Historic districts | |
History websites, Buffalo | |
Hodge, Joseph |
Hodge, Philander |
Hodge, William |
Hofeller, Eli David | |
Hoisington, Job |
Holland Land Company | |
Holland, Nelson | |
Holland Place | |
Holling, Thomas L. |
Homeopathic Hospital | |
Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corp. | 1978 |
Hope, John | 1905 |
Hospitals | 1998 |
Hotel Fillmore - See Fillmore Hotel above | |
House research | |
Houses of Worship |
Howard Iron Works | 1849 |
Howard, Kathleen | |
Howe, Abel | 1801 |
HSBC | 1999, 2002, |
Hubbard, Elbert |
Hubbell, Ralph | 1948 |
Hull, Warren | |
Humberstone, H. Bruce | |
Humboldt Park | |
Hungarians | 1924, |
Huron Cement Elevator |
Hydraulics, The |
Indians - See Iroquois Confederacy below | |
Industry | |
Industrial Exposition | 1869 |
Influenza | 1918 |
Intensive Level Surveys | |
International Grain Elevator |
International Fair, 1858 | 1858 |
International Industrial Fair |
International Railroad Bridge | |
Irish |
Iron Island |
Iroquois Confederacy | |
Irwin, Robert J. A. | |
Iroquois Hotel |
Italians |
Jablonksi, Peter | |
James, Rick (born James Ambrose Johnson, Jr.) | |
Jefferson Avenue |
Jemison, Mary |
Jewett | |
Jewett & Root stoves | |
Jewett, Edgar B. | |
Jewett, Elam R. | |
Jewett, J. C. | |
Jewett refrigerators | |
Jewett, Sherman S. | |
Jews |
Johnson, Dr. Ebenezer |
Johnson Immigration Restriction Act | |
Johnson, John |
Johnson Park |
1907, |
Johnson, Pete | |
Johnston, Captain William (Johnson) | |
Joiner, Wanda Frey | |
Joncaire |
Jones, Horatio | |
Jones Iron Works | |
Jonson, George Washington | |
Joseph Ellicott Historic District | |
Josephs, "Elephant Joe" | |
Juba Storrs & Co. | |
Jubilee Springhouse |
Kaleida Health | 1998 |
Kaisertown |
Kavanagh, Patrick |
Keating, Robert | |
Keller, Fred | 1948 |
Kellogg, Spencer | |
Kellogg, Spencer, Jr. | |
Kelly, David | 1888 |
Kelly, Jim | 1991 |
Kelly, Joseph |
Kenilworth Race Track | |
Kensington |
Kensington Expressway |
Kent, Edward Austin |
Ketchum. Jesse |
Ketchum, William |
Key Bank | 1991 |
King Charles II | 1664 |
King, Martin Luther Jr Park | |
Kingcobra | 1941 |
Kirkhofer, Alfred H. | 1948 |
Kleinhans, Edward L. and Mary Seaton Kleinhans | |
Kleinhans Music Hall | 1940, |
Knight, Erastus |
Knox Family | |
Kowal, Chester |
Kowsky, Dr. Francis R. | |
Kremlin Building |
Krips, Josef | |
Lackawanna Steel |
Lafayette Hotel |
Lafayette, Marquis de | |
Lafayette Square | |
Lalli, Dr. V. Roger |
Landmarks | |
Landmark Signage Project |
Landon, Joseph | |
Lane, Ezekial |
Lang, Gerhard | |
Lansing, Henry Livingston | |
Larkin, John / Larkin Soap Company | |
LaSalle, Rene Robert Cavalier Sieur de | |
Latinos | |
Laurel Street | |
Lautz, Frederick Christian Martin |
LeCouteulx, Monsieur Louis Stephen LeCouteulx de Chaumont |
Lehigh Valley Railroad Terminal | |
Letchworth, Edward P. | 1929, |
Letchworth, Josiah |
Lee, J. H. | |
Lewis F. Allen House |
Lewiston, NY | |
Library | |
Lighthouse | See Buffalo Lighthouse above |
Light Rail Rapid Transit system | 1979 |
Lincoln, Abraham |
Lind, Jenny | 1851 |
Lindberg, Arthur |
Linwood Preservation District | |
H. H. Little | |
Livery | 1828 |
Livestock Exchange |
Lockport |
Lockwood, Timothy T. |
Lockwood, Thomas | |
Long, Richard | 1978 |
Love Canal | 1978 |
Love, Julia |
Love, Maria | |
Lovejoy |
Lovejoy, Henry |
LTV Steel |
Lumber | See Charles and Frank Goodyear above |
M&T Bank (Manufacturers and Traders) |
Mahoney, Patrick | |
Mahoney, Walter J. |
Main Street |
Majestic Theatre |
1912, |
Makowski, Stanley M. |
Mann, Dr. Matthew D. | |
Manning, John B. |
Mansion House | |
Manufacturing | 1860, 1899, 1910, 1982, |
Manufacturers & Traders Bank | See "M&T" above |
Maps | |
Marine Midland Arena | 1996 |
Marine Midland Bank / Marine Trust Bank | |
Mark, Mitchel | |
Market Arcade |
Market House |
Market Square Historic District | |
Marquis de Lafayette |
Martin, Darwin D. | |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park | |
Martin, Richard | 1975 |
Maryniak, Benedict R, |
Masiello, Anthony |
Masten Armory | |
Masten, Joseph G. |
Masten Park High School | |
Matthews, George B. | 1866, 1926 |
Matthews, James Newson | |
Mayors of Buffalo |
McDonnell and Sons | |
McIntosh, Caroline Carmichael | |
McKim, Mead and White | |
McKinley Monument |
McKinley, Pres. William | |
McNulty, James |
Mechanics Association | 1869, |
Memorial Auditorium |
"Merle M. McCurdy" | |
Metcalfe House |
Methodists |
Metropolitan Theatre |
"Michigan, The" | 1827 |
Michigan Avenue | |
Michigan Avenue Bridge | |
Michigan Avenue YMCA |
Michigan Central Railroad | 1888 |
Michigan Street Baptist Church |
Middaugh, Martin |
Milburn, John |
Mile Strip | 1813 |
Millard Fillmore Hospital |
Miller, Annie Lang | |
Miller, Jacob | 1828 |
Millionaires | |
Mirror Theatre |
Mitchell, Todd | |
Moonglo |
Morgan Building |
Morris, Robert |
Movies | |
Mruk, Joseph | |
Mulligan, Charlotte |
Music Halls | |
Mutual Grain Elevator | |
Myer, Albert James |
Napora, James | |
Nash, J. Edward |
National Aniline and Chemical Company | 1914 |
National Association of Colored Women |
National Gypsum Co. | 1926 |
National Register of Historic Places | |
Naval and Servicemen's Park | 1979 |
Neighborhoods | |
New Amsterdam | |
New Cathedral | |
New Richmond Hotel, The |
Newspapers | |
Newstead, NY | |
New York Central Railroad |
New York State Assembly | 1828 |
New York State Canal | 1808 |
New York State Pavilion |
New York Stock Exchange | 1792 |
"Niagara" (steamer) | 1846, |
Niagara Falls | |
Niagara Movement |
Niagara Reservation |
Niagara Square |
1800, 1820, 1825, 1836, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1878, 1881, 1888, 1901, 1907, 1923, 1924, 1931, 1936, 1974
Noah, Mordecai Manuel |
Nominations |
Northampton Street | |
North Park |
North Presbyterian Church | 1904, |
Northrup, William Phelps | 1888 |
North Street Cemetery | |
Norton, Charles | 1916 |
Noye, John S. |
Ogden Company | 1838 |
Ohio Sreet Bridge | |
Oishei , John | 1940 |
Oishei Foundation | 1940, 2001 |
Olcott, Chauncey |
Old Court House | |
Old Public Library | See "Public Library" below |
Oldman Boiler Works | |
Old Fort Niagara |
Olenik & Reisem | |
Olmsted, Frederick Law | |
Olmsted, Harold | |
Olympic Movie Theatre | |
Olympic Park | |
Opera House | |
Orphanages | |
Osgood, Thaddeus |
Otis, Rainsford | 1841 |
Otto Store |
Paine, General | 1802 |
Palmer, John | |
Palmer's Views |
Pan-American Exposition | |
Pankow, Steven |
Parade, The (Humboldt Park; Martin Luther King Jr. Park) |
Paramount movie theater |
Park, Roswell, M.D. | |
Park, The (Delaware Park) | |
Park System |
Parker, Ely |
Parker, James Benjamin |
Parks |
Parkside neighborhood | |
Parkside Unitarian Church |
Parkways | |
Patriot War of 1837 in Canada | |
Pavement markers |
Peace Bridge | |
People's Church | |
Perky, Henry | 1900 |
Perrault, Gilbert | 1975 |
Pfitzner, A. L. | 1910 |
Phoenix Hotel |
Photographers/Photography |
Pierce-Arrow autos | |
Pierce, Dr. V. Mott | 1900 |
Pierce, Dr. Ray Vaughn | |
Pierce, George N. | |
Pillsbury Grain Elevator |
1894, |
Pitass, Rev. Jan | 1882, |
Plains, The | 1845 |
Plymouth Avenue |
Poinsett Barracks |
Police |
Polish |
Pollack, Susan M. | |
Population |
1810, 1820, 1825, 1835, 1840, 1845, 1855, 1860, 1865, 1890, 1900, 1901, 1910
Porter, Cyrus K. |
Porter, General Peter | |
Postcards | |
Post Office |
Potters Field |
Pratt | |
Preservation | |
Prince & Co. |
Private schools | |
Prospect Hill | |
Public Art | |
Public Library | |
Public schools | |
Public transit | 1854 |
Puma, Jerome |
Queen City Hub Project |
Railroad |
1834, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1855, 1863, 1877, 1887, ,1899, 1900, 1910, |
Ralph, Edmund | 1829, |
Rand, George F. |
Rand, George F., Jr. |
Ransom, Asa | |
Ransom, Mrs. M. A. | |
Rapid Transit system | 1980, |
Rathbun, Benjamin |
Red Jacket | |
Reed Grain Elevator |
Republic Steel Corporation | |
Research buildings |
Reservoir | |
Rich, Andrew J. |
Richardson, Henry Hobson |
Richmond Avenue |
Richmond Elevator | |
Richmond Hotel | |
Richmond, Jewett. M. | |
Riley, Maj. Gen. Bennett |
Riley Street | |
River Lea | |
Riverside | |
Robert, Rene | 1975 |
Rochester & Tonawanda Railroad | 1844 |
"Rockpile, The" | See War Memorial Stadium below |
Roesch, Charles E. |
Rogers, Maj. Gen. William F. |
Rogers, William A. |
Rogovin, Milton | |
Rohlfs, Charles |
Roman Catholic Church | |
Roosevelt, Theodore |
Roos Brewery | |
Root, Edward | 1826 |
Root, Robert Keating | |
Roswell Park Institute | 1997 |
Rote, David M. |
Roycroft | |
Rumsey | |
Russell, Washington Adams | 1841 |
Ryan, Stephen V. |
Sacred Heart Church | |
Saengerbund |
Saengerfest |
Saint Anthony's RC Church | |
Saint Bonaventure's Basketball Team | 1970 |
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus | |
Saint James Hall | |
Saint John, Gamaliel |
Saint John, LeGrand |
Saint John, Margaret | |
Saint John, Sarah | |
Saint John's Episcopal Church |
Saint Joseph's Cathedral School |
Saint Joseph's College | |
Saint Joseph's RC New Cathedral | |
Saint Lawrence Seaway | 1960 |
Saint Louis Church |
Saint Paul's Church (Cathedral) |
Saint Peter's German Evangelical Church |
Saint Peter's Lutheran Church | |
Saint Stanislaus Church | 1882, |
Salisbury, Hezekiah A. | 1811 |
Salisbury, Smith H. | 1811 |
Satterfield, John | |
Sattler, John G. |
Sattler Theatre |
Savoy Theatre |
Scaife, Rt. Rev. Lauriston | 1948 |
Scajaquada Creek |
Scajaquada Expressway |
Scatcherd, John N. | |
Scheu, Solomon |
Schlicker Organ Company | |
Schoellkopf Family | |
Schoolhouse |
Schools |
1807, 1829, 1839, 1846, 1965, 1976, 1852, 1870, 1888, 1916, 1965, 1968, 1970 |
Schwab, Frank X. |
Scott, Brig. Gen Winfield |
Scoville, Jonathan |
Sculptures | |
Sears Catalog Homes |
Sedita, Frank A. |
Seiche of 1844 | 1844 |
Sellstedt, Lars Gustaf |
Senecas |
Settlers |
74th Regimental Armory | See "Armories" above |
Severance, Frank H. |
Shanks, Bruce | |
Shea' s Buffalo Theater |
Sheehan Emergency | 1902 |
Shelton, Eminent Rev. William / Shelton Square |
Sheppard, James D. | 1844 |
Sherman, Village of |
Ships /Shipbuilding |
SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) | |
Sidewalk markers |
Sidway | |
Silsbee, Joseph Lyman | |
Silver Creek's giant tree | 1825 |
Simon, William | 1888 |
Simpson, O. J. | 1973 |
Sisters' Hospital | |
Sisti, Tony |
Sizer, Henry | |
Skinner, Martha St. John |
Skyway | 1955 |
Skyway Marina |
Slave | 1793, 1795, 1823, 1835, 1847, 1851 |
Slawinski, Jozef |
Smith, Bruce | 1988 |
Smith, Henry K. |
Smith, H. Perry |
Smith, Joseph | 1827 |
Snelson, Kenneth | |
Snyder, Michael | 1882 |
Soldiers & Sailors Monument in Lafayette Square |
Soldiers Circle | |
Southampton Street | |
South Buffalo | |
South Park historic district | |
South Park neighborhood | |
South Towns Byway: Resource Inventory | |
Surveys |
Spaulding, Charlotte | |
Spaulding, E. G. | |
Sprague, Carlton | |
Stallions | 1979 |
Standard Milling Company | |
State Normal School at Buffalo |
State University of New York College at Buffalo |
1870 |
Statler, Ellsworth | |
Steamboat | 1820, 1834, 1837, |
Steel industry |
Stevens, Frederick P. |
Stock Exchange Hotel |
Stockyards |
Strawberry Island |
ˇ Strawberry Island |
Streetcars |
Streeter, Edward | |
Strong, George | |
Suber, Shirley M. | 1971 |
Sullivan, Louis | |
Surveys |
Swannie House |
Symons, Col. W. |
Talbert, Mary B. | |
Tasker, Steve | 1993 |
Taxes |
Teck Collision Company | 1950 |
Telegraph | 1846 |
Telephone Company | |
Temple Beth El |
Temple of Music |
Tesla. Nikola | |
Thayer brothers | 1825 |
Theater (Drama) |
Theatre Historic Preservation District | |
The Park (Delaware Park) | |
Thomas, Edwin R. | |
Thomas Flyer automobiles |
Thompson, Sheldon |
Tielman, Timothy | |
Tiffany, Louis Comfort | |
Tifft House |
Tilden, Thomas | 1845 |
Tillinghast, James | |
Timon, John |
Title Guarantee Building | |
Tonawanda | 1800, 1826 |
Townsend, Charles | 1846 |
Townsend, Harriet | |
Treaty of Big Tree | 1797 |
Treaty of Ghent | 1814 |
Tree | |
Trolleys - See "Electric Streetcars" above | |
Trowbridge, Dr. Josiah |
Tucker Building | |
Tudor style | 1888 |
Tuscarora Indians | 1722, 1800 |
Twain, Mark |
Underground railroad |
Union Meeting House |
Unions | 1884 |
Union Ship Canal | |
Unitarian-Universalist Church |
U. S. Bank | |
U. S. Custom House |
University Heights |
University of Buffalo |
University Plaza | 1939 |
Upper Black Rock | 1813 |
Urban Company / Urban, George Jr. |
Urban planning |
Valley section |
Vandalia | 1842 |
Van Derveer, Tara |
Van Ness, Cynthia | |
Van Vleck , George H. | |
Vaux, Calvert | |
Vitascope Theater |
Wachadlo, Martin |
Wadsworth, James |
Wait, Harry R. |
Waite, Richard A. |
Walden, Ebenezer |
Walden Galleria | 1989 |
"Walk-in-the-Water" | |
Walkowski, Jennifer |
Wards |
War Memorial Stadium |
War of 1812 | |
Washington Street Market |
Waterfront | |
Water Works Pumping Station |
Watson Grain Elevator | |
Watson, Stephen V.R. | |
Weber, Col. John B. | |
Weed Block |
WGR | 1922 |
WBEN | 1948 |
Weber, Col. John B. |
Wedekindt, Henry | |
Wells, Chandler |
Wells, Henry | 1862 |
Wendt, Margaret L. |
Western Association of Architects (WAA) | |
Western Literary and Scientific Academy |
Western New York Entertainment Hall of Fame | |
Western New York Heritage Magazine | |
Western New York Legacy: A Digital Library of Historical Treasures |
Western Savings Bank | |
Westinghouse, George | |
West Side | |
West Village Historic Preservation District | |
Whiskey |
Whitaker, Ramona Pando | |
White, Dr. James Platt | |
Wicks, William Sydney | 1888 |
Wilcox, Ansley |
Wilkeson Homestead, Niagara Square |
Wilkeson, Samuel | |
Wilkeson, Col. Samuel H. |
William Simon Brewery | 1852 |
Williams Family | |
Williamsville | |
Williamsville-Buffalo Road | 1832 |
Willow Lawn | |
Winney, Cornelius | |
Women | |
Women's Christian Association Building, |
Women's Suffrage 1902 Convention in Buffalo | |
Women's Union | |
Wonderland Building | 1893 |
Woods, A. | |
Woods, Bob |
World University Games | 1993 |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Zimmermann, George |
Zink and Hatch Building | |
Zoschke, Bettie | |
Zoschke, Carl |
See also: