Buffalo History Museum - Collections

Buffalo History Museum - Table of Contents

A Sampling of Black & White Display Portraits
in the Buffalo History Museum

1 Museum Court, Buffalo, NY

This is NOT an official Buffalo History Museum Web page.
Buffalo History Museum  - Official Home Page

On this page below:

"John J. Albright"

"George K. Birge"

"William Wells Brown"

"Paolo Busti"

"Glenn Curtiss"

"Joseph Dart"

"August Esenwein"

"William Fargo"

"Elbert Hubbard"

"Dr. Ebenezer Johnson"

"James A. Johnson"

"Benjamin Rathbun"

"Red Jacket"

"Nicola Tesla"

"George Westinghouse"

John J. Albright

George K. Birge

William Wells Brown

Paolo Busti

Joseph Dart

August Esenwein

William Fargo

Red Jacket

Dr. Ebenezer Johnson

James A. Johnson

Details below:

Benjamin Rathbun

Nicola Tesla

Special thanks to Executive Director Dr. William Siener and the staff for their cooperation in  2005

Photos and their arrangement © 2005 Chuck LaChiusa
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