Franklin W. Caulkins House
415 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y.




Franklin W. Caulkins


Stick / Eastlake


Allentown Historic District
  Other Franklin Street buildings

TEXT below illustrations

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Asymmetrical Eastlake porch

Perforated bargeboard

Ridge cresting


Half timbering


Panel carved with urns and flowers

Eastlake porch

Eastlake spindle frieze

Fan brackets

Frieze with perforated panels

Eastlake spindle frieze with perforated panels

Windows separated by Eastlake fluted pilasters

Eastlake porch post

Spindle frieze with perforated panels

Fan brackets

Paneled oak double doors

Also by Caulkins: Maple Street Baptist Mission

2016 photo

Once named Tuscarora Street, Franklin Street is the product of Judge Ebenezer Walden's subdivision of his personal estate, the southern boundary of which was Edward Street and which abutted Lewis Allen's farm to the north. From the beginning the street attracted professionals who wanted to combine comfortable suburban living with the proximity to the boom of commerce So many doctors hung out their shingles on Franklin Street that it was called "Pill Alley" by Buffalo wags.

Franklin W. Caulkins, about whom little is known, was a local architect who specialized in acoustics. The "Real Estate and Builders' Monthly noted in 1886 that he "has made a specialty of that important incident of art, for of seventeen churches which he has designed, not one has failed to be acoustically perfect."

No. 415 Franklin is one of the finest examples of applied Stick and Eastlake styling in the City.

- Sources:

Photos and their arrangement © 2006 Chuck LaChiusa
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