Episcopal Church of
the Good
Jewett Pkwy. at Summit, Buffalo, NY
Church of the Good Shepherd - Official Website
Illustrations / James Napora, History of the Church of the Good Shepherd
Northrup, Matthews, and Smith: The Trustees Who Built the Church of the Good Shepherd by Nancy Parisi
Stained glass windows: (2009 photos)
Connick Studios: The Lord's Prayer Window Nave
Haskins Glass Studios of Rochester: Resurrection Nave
J&R Lamb Studios: Christ in the Temple Nave
Messrs. Booth of London: Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple Window Nave
Tiffany Glass Company: The Good Shepherd Chancel
Tiffany Glass Company: St. Paul North Transept
Tiffany Glass Company: Purity South Transept
Tiffany Glass Company: Two Floral Windows Nave
Tiffany Glass Company: Christ Blessing the Little Children Children's Chapel
Willet Studios: Nativity Window Nave
See also:
James Napora, History of Parkside and Central Park
Parkside History and Architecture - Links
Buffalo's Houses of Worship on the Internet - LINKS
Highlights of Buffalo History, 1888