Church of the Good Shepherd - Table of Contents

TRANSEPTS - Church of the Good Shepherd
96 Jewett Pkwy. at Summit, Buffalo, NY

Transept: The part of a cruciform church, projecting at right angles to the main building.

The nave and chancel are eighty-five feet in length and the transepts fifty-two feet across.

2004 Photos

North transept (chancel to the right)

St. Paul triplet by Tiffany Glass Co,   ...   Opalescent stained glass   ...  
For a link to window details, see Church of the Good Shepherd - Table of Contents

South transept 1889 Purity triplet by the Tiffany Glass Co
For a link to window details, see Church of the Good Shepherd - Table of Contents

Special thanks to Rev. David Selzer, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, for his cooperation and assistance in 2004
Photos and their arrangement © 2004 Chuck LaChiusa
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