St. Adalbert Basilica - Table of Contents........ 

St. Adalbert Basilica
212 Stanislaus Street, Buffalo, NY14212
St. Adalbert Basilica - Official Website

Erected: 1890
R. Huber & Company
Romanesque Revival
Stained glass windows: Mayer of Munich, Germany
Josef Mazer, Buffalo
Distinction: 1907, when the Vatican proclaimed St. Adalbert a basilica, the first in the USA.
National Register of Historic Places

Rectory on right.

Cross bottony  .....  Lantern atop engaged column belfry ..... Brick corbel table

Engaged column belfry

Brick corbel table  .....  Keystones  

Tuscan columned portico

Dentil molding ..... Tuscan columns

Oak, paneled door
West elevation

Clearstory windows .....  West aisle stained glass windows  ..... Pier buttresses
East Elevation

Facade and east elevation

Cupola topped by lantern

Cross bottony  .....  Lantern atop  cupola

Our Lady of Lourdes grotto. 2 details below:

Corbel table ..... Keystone in middle of voussoirs ..... White lines in windw are lead came

Cupola and apse


Special thanks to Pastor Fr. Thaddeus Bocianowski for his cooperation
Photos and their arrangement © 2011 Chuck LaChiusa
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