Buffalo Forge Company

Henry W. Wendt House
120 Lincoln Parkway, Buffalo, NY


C. 1923
Kidd, Franklyn J. and William A.


Tudor Revival / Jacobean Revival


Other Lincoln Parkway Homes
Buffalo Park and Parkway System

Henry W. Wendt House (circa 1925), 120 Lincoln Parkway - with twin high-pitched gables that on the facade rise above the roof, rough stone, and tall massive chimneys - is representative of Jacobean Revival style, whose inspirations came from English architecture that was popular during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, known as the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods.

The Wendt brothers, William and Henry, built their Buffalo Forge Company in the heart of Buffalo's German neighborhood to attract Germans to work there. Their industrial pursuits  expanded into Wendt Aircraft  in the early and middle 1900s.

The handsome wrought-iron gate and fence were forged at Armor Welding by Reno Fabrizi.

- Richard O. Reisem and Andy Olenick, Classic Buffalo: A Heritage of Distinguished Architecture. Canisius College Press, 1999, p. 134

... in 1878, William F. Wendt, and shortly thereafter Father [Henry W.] came. Organized to manufacture a portable blacksmith forge with a geared lever-driven blower, the tiny company had no factory, but parts produced outside were assembled and shipped as the forges were sold.

"William Wendt, with a long head for financial matters and a keen appreciation for values in advertising, pulled the little company through many tight spots, while his brother Henry, a practical foundryman and manufacturer, not only looked after that end of the business, but had the happy faculty of attracting and keeping able lieutenants. 
- Buffalo Forge Company - History   (online 2006)

Partial reprint

On the Market: 120 Lincoln Parkway
By Queenseyes
Buffalo Rising, February 15, 2021

Befitting of Robin Leach’s ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,’ this mansion at 120 Lincoln Parkway is a home that most people could only dream of owning. Then again, taking care of a 5638 square foot mansion is not everybody’s cup of tea.

But for that special ‘someone,’ this 5-bedroom, 4+ bathroom circa 1923 manor is the cat’s meow. And now it’s for sale, listed at just under 2 million bucks – $1,999,000 to be exact.

From all appearances, the Henry W. Wendt House, a Tudor Revival-Jacobean Revival, constructed with Onondaga limestone (architects Franklyn J. and William A. Kidd) has withstood the tests of time, as have most of its neighboring mansions along Lincoln Parkway.

2006 Photos

Wrought-iron gate and fence were forged at Armor Welding by Reno Fabrizi

Tudor Revival / Jacobean Revival

Onondaga limestone    ...    Chimney cap   ...   Finial on gable peak

Onondaga limestone    ...    Chimney cap

Finial on gable peak

Slate roof    ...    Curved copper pediment is one the features that distinguishes this exterior as Jacobean Revival style

Top center: leaded glass windows, twisted columns    ...    Bay:  Parapet / Casement windows below transom windows

Leaded glass windows   ...    Twisted columns   ...    Urns

Note difference in sizes on slate roof:  smaller on top

North side main entrance

North side main entrance

Consultant: Martin Wachadlo

Photos and their arrangement © 2006 Chuck LaChiusa
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