Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
PAIR a pit, -pet
A low guarding wall at any point of sudden drop, as at the edge of a terrace, roof, battlement, balcony, etc.
Latin: "parare" = to guard + "pectus" = breast, i.e., breast-high battlements in balconies, platforms, and bridges
Parapets on flat roofs (wall extends up beyond roof edge) are found in Beaux Arts Classical, Italian Renaissance Revival styles
Parapets on gabled roofs are found in Tudor Revival, Queen Anne, Richardsonian Romanesque styles
Examples from Buffalo architecture
- Illustration above: Miller House
- Saturn Club
- Williams-Butler House
- Bemis House
- Clement House/Red Cross
- 620 Main St.
- John W. Cowper House
- City Hall
- 232 Delaware Ave.
- 1149 Delaware Ave.
- Hellenic Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
- St. John the Evangelist RC Church
Other examples: