Westminster Presbyterian Church
724 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY
Westminster Presbyterian Church - Official Home Page  (online Sept. 2014)





Chancel Needlepoint Cushions and Symbols

Stained Glass Windows:

Narthex windows Burnham Studios

Praise Window Willet

Old Testament windows
Willet, Connick, Reynolds Francis & Rohnstock

New Testament windows
Burnham, Willet, Connick

Tiffany Windows Tiffany

Holmes Chapel:


Stained Glass Windows

Christ the Teacher Window Willet


Brief History

James Napora, History of Westminster Presbyterian Church

Circa 1875-1890 A panoramic sketch of Delaware south of North Street by an artist from the tower of Westminster

John McClive, Linking With the Cosmos in Sacred Places Correlates Westminster's art treasures with Gothic history

John McClive, Music for the Strained Glass Windows in Westminster Suggestions that enhance interpretations of the themes depicted in the medallions

René Théophile de Quélin Designer for Tiffany Studios in 1903 who designed interior of Westminster sanctuary


John McClive, Roots and Development of Gothic Revival Style Stained Glass

John McClive,
Gothic Revival Style in Westminster

John McClive, Summary and Location of Westminster Windows

John McClive, Judeo-Christian Symbols in Westminster

John McClive, Holmes Chapel

John McClive, Dedications in 1931 and 1951


John McClive, Celtic Spirituality in the Windows of Westminster Presbyterian Church: Earth and Heaven Combined Illustrated sermon

John McClive,
The Thin Place Illustrated sermon

Allentown / Main / Linwood / Delaware by James Napora

Special thanks to Pastor Reverend Dr. Thomas H. Yorty for his cooperation
and to Church Historian John McClive for his assistance

Photos and their arrangement © 2009 Chuck LaChiusa
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