Cologne Cathedral - Table of Contents .................................. Architecture Around the World
North elevation -
Cologne, Germany
November 2019 Photos
Star at top of the south elevation steeple is a Christmas decoration
Finials ... Pinnacles ... Clerestory and triforium stained glass windows ... Flanking flying buttresses
Center, cleaned stone: Quatrefoil and trefoil tracery
Pinnacles with crockets ... Flying buttresses decorated with trefoils
North elevation portal ... Note unusually shaped three tympanum cinquefoil and trefoil tracery
Pinnacles ... Crockets ... Unusually shape tympanum cinquefoil tracery
Three in the round grotesques(?) or gargoyles(?), depending on whether they are water spouts
Grotesques(?) or gargoyles(?), depending on whether they are water spouts
Grotesques(?) or gargoyles(?)
Grotesque or gargoyle .. Note plastic rods, meant to keep away pigeons
Grotesque or gargoyle
Portal archivolts, jambs and tympanum
Archivolt figures
Tympanum flanked by archivolts
Jamb figures ...
The art work of the cathedral's portals is dominated by their life-sized jamb figures. There were originally 47 at the west end, 37 at the south end, and 25 at the north end [on this page]. Except for the medieval sculptures of St. Peter's Portal all sculptures of the Cathedral are made by Christian Mohr and Peter Fuchs. ...
Christian Mohr (1823-1888) worked under the cathedral architect Ernst Friedrich Zwirner ...
Peter Fuchs: From 1865 to 1881 he produced some 700 life-size and slightly over-life-size sculptures for Cologne Cathedral, mostly reliefs and seated and standing figures depicting scenes from the Bible and lives of the saints. Many of these are to be found on the columns and walls of the south transept (1866–1872), the west towers (1871), the west front and the north front (1879–1881) and the Petersportal (1881).
Jamb figures