Cologne Cathedral - Table of Contents .................. Architecture Around the World
Stained Glass Windows
- Cologne
Cologne, Germany
On this page, below:
November 2019 Photos
Windows over the main altar ... The clerestory windows in the choir of the Cologne Cathedral, with 10,170 ft. of glass surface, contain the largest series of stained glass windows still extant from the fourteenth century in Europe. The windows were completed before the choir stalls were installed in 1311. Ninety-five percent of the glass is original. ... Note the geometric panels
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window
Created: 1509
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window ... St. Peter is the patron Saint of the Cathedral and the Tree of Jesse shows Christ’s royal ancestry. ... 12 details below:
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #1
Left: St. Peter ... Right: Tree of Jesse
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #2
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #3
Left panel: Jesus summons Peter: Peter was one of Twelve Apostles, a Galilean fisherman (along with his brother St. Andrew) later assigned a leadership role by Jesus in Matthew 16:18
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window- detail #4
Scenes from the life of St. Peter, including his death sentence by Nero and crucifixion
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window- detail #5, the Jesse right side panels
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #6, Jesse,the father of King David
Note date the window was created: 1509
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #7
Upper left: King David, son of Jesse and ancestor of Jesus who is depicted in the upper right, and his harp
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window- detail #8
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window- detail #9
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #10
Upper left figure is St. Peter, usually depicted with the keys to heaven ...
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #11
St. Peter and the Tree of Jesse Window - detail #12
The Nativity Window
Created: 1507
The Nativity Window ... 3 details below:
The Nativity Window - detail #1
Note shepherds at left
The Nativity Window - detail #2
The Nativity Window - detail #3
The Coronation Window
Created: 1509
The Coronation Window ... 2 details below:
The Coronation Window - detail #1
The Trinity and Mary in heaven
The Coronation Window - detail #
Michael the Archangel(?) or St. George(?) slaying Satan
The nave is enhanced by many nineteenth century stained-glass windows including a set of five on the south side called the "Bayernfenster" which were a gift from Ludwig I of Bavaria, a set highly representative of the painterly German style of that era. ... Made in Munich ... Ludwig I was the grandfather of Ludwig II, sometimes called Mad King Ludwig, the king who commissioned Neuschwanstein Castle. King Ludwig's coat of arms are in the bottom left corner and his donation inscription is in the lower right corner.
St. Stephen Window
Created: 1848
St. Stephen Window ... 1 detail below:
St. Stephen Window - detail
Pentecost Window
Created: 1848
Pentecost Window ... Also a King Ludwig I donation ... Three details below:
Pentecost Window - detail #1
Pentecost Window - detail #2
Note the tongues of fire above each head
Pentecost Window - detail #3
St. Augustine ... St. Jerome ... St. Gregory ... St. Ambrose ...
Cannundrums: (online Dec. 2019):
"... the original Doctors of the Church, a title given to them in 1298 for their contribution to theology and doctrine. First is St. Augustin, who lived from 354 to 430, was Bishop of Hippo (present day Algeria) whose writings were influential in the development of Western Christianity and one of the theological fathers of Reformation in his teachings on salvation and divine grace. His written works included Of the City of God, On the Trinity, and Confessions, a personal account of his early life."
"Second is St. Jerome, who lived from 347 to 420, translated the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate), the official version of the Catholics."
"Third is St. Gregory , also known as Gregory the Great, who lived from 540 to 604, and was pope from 590 to 604. In the Middle Ages he was known as the"Father of Christian Worship" because of his efforts in revising Roman Catholic worship."
" Fourth is St. Ambrose, who lived from 337 to 397, was bishop of Milan at the time of Augustine's conversion to Christianity and contributed greatly to Augustine's development."
Lamentation Window
Created: 1847
Lamentation Window - Jesus is removed from the cross
This window was installed as part of the 600 year anniversary of working on the Cathedral, also donated by King Ludwig I ... 4 details below:
Lamentation Window - detail #1
Holy Communion
Lamentation Window - detail #2
Last Supper
Lamentation Window - detail #3
Lamentation Window - detail #4
Four Evangelists (Note symbols at the bottom of saint): Matthew, symbolized by a winged man or angel ... Mark, by a winged lion ... Luke, by a winged ox or bull ... and John, by an eagle
Adoration of the Magi Window
Created: 1846
Adoration of the Magi Window ... ... 4 details below:
Adoration of the Magi Window - detail #1
Left: Adam & Eve ... Two center: Annunciation ... Right: Mary Immaculate, detailed below:
Adoration of the Magi Window - detail #2
Mary Immaculate ... Note serpent
Adoration of the Magi Window - detail #3
Made in 1846 in Munich, a donation of King Ludwig I of Bavaria. Ludwig I was the grandfather of Ludwig II, sometimes called Mad King Ludwig, the king who commissioned Neuschwanstein Castle. King Ludwig's coat of arms are in the bottom left corner and his donation inscription is in the lower right corner (detailed below:)
King Ludwig's donation inscription
Adoration of the Magi Window - detail #4
Major prophets of the Old Testament: Isaiah ... Jeremiah ... Ezechiel ... Daniel
John the Baptist Window ... 1847 .. ... Banner: Ecce Agnus Dei (Behold the Lamb of God) found in John 1:29
Geometric Stained glass windows
Note the number of geometric panels ... 2 details below:
Detail #1
Cinquefoils and trefoils
Detail #2
Two more examples of geometric windows