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"Nexus" and “Beautiful Health Fphacze” Murals
Michigan Goodrich Parking Garage, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
134 High Street, Buffalo, New York

On this page, below:


“Beautiful Health Fphacze”

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus installed two two large-scale murals on the MiGo, a parking garage on the corner of Michigan & Goodrich. The  murals (50’ x 20’) were painted by local artists. BNMC Inc. provided the funding for both murals, which each took approximately one week to install. The Tri-Main Center and 11 East Utica art studio in Buffalo gave the artists space to work on the murals, and the Langston Hughes Institute Center, also in Buffalo, provided space to store the works, which were created in panels.

Buffalo area artists William Y. Cooper, a 1975 UB BFA graduate, and James J. Cooper III (no relation) teamed up with Brooklyn artist Jennifer Fuentes to create “Nexus,” the mural on the Goodrich side of the garage. The title is a metaphor for the Buffalo Niagara region’s role in promoting cutting-edge science and medicine.

For more information, see David J. Hill, BNMC Garage Gets Artistic Upgrade, UB Reporter, August 8, 2013 (online June 2014)
Located on the Goodrich St. elevation

"Nexus" ... Completed in 2013

The title is a metaphor for the Buffalo Niagara region’s role in promoting cutting-edge science and medicine, globally.

Artists: Buffalo area artists William Y. Cooper, a 1975 State University at Buffalo BFA graduate, and James J. Cooper III (no relation) teamed up with Brooklyn artist Jennifer Fuentes.

Details below, from the top:

"Nexus" detail:  Niagara Falls, buffalo, bird(?), Niagara Falls beneath the bird(?)

"Nexus" detail:  planets, science symbols

"Nexus" detail

"Nexus" detail

“Beautiful Health Fphacze”

“Beautiful Health Fphacze” ... Completed in 2013.
Artist: J. Cooper, III

“Beautiful Health Fphacze” ...  Details below:

“Beautiful Health Fphacze” detail

“Beautiful Health Fphacze” detail

“Beautiful Health Fphacze” detail ... Note artist signature at lower left (photo below:)

Artist: J. Cooper, III

Photos and their arrangement © 2014 Chuck LaChiusa
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