St. John's-Grace Episcopal Church - Table of Contents

Communion table/altar - St. John's-Grace Episcopal Church
51 Colonial Circle at Bidwell Pky. and Lafayette Ave.
Buffalo, New York




Arthur F. Werner , with the assistance of Thomas T. Heyer


6' wide, 32" deep, 3' high


  • Oak faced plywood top unit
  • Red oak legs and trim
  • Red oak vine thorns and panel with frame
  • Double stained golden oak (vine area); dark oak all others

In 2005 the church commissioned Arthur F. Werner , with the assistance of Thomas T. Heyer, to construct and install a new free standing altar in the main sanctuary of St. John's-Grace Episcopal Church.

Work in Progress
Photos from the collection Arthur F. Werner

A. Werner cutting holes for legs

A. Werner planing deck edge

Cutting and carving trim pieces

Separation for carving

Early carving of the angel which copies the baptismal font model in the baptistery.

Assembly at the church : A. Werner adding vine carvings

2005 Photos

Installed communion table in church

Wooden canopy and reredoss

Note that the communion table straddles two steps

Red oak plywood top unit

Carved vine encircles the table box, in a shadow box effect

Carved angel with gold leaf on text. See the baptismal font model.

Special thanks to Arthur Werner for his cooperation and assistance, including opening his private files on the construction of the altar. Other work by Werner can be viewed at Church of the Advent - Carvings and Needlepoint
Photos and their arrangement © 2005 Chuck LaChiusa
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