Stained Glass Windows - Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels
202 S. Union Street, Olean, NY 14760

St. Mary of the Angels - Official Website (online April 2017)

Emile Uhlrich (Cleveland)
Church style: Gothic Revival
Stained glass studio:
Daprato Statuary Company (Chicago / New York)
Stained glass windows installed:
Stained glass windows style:
Munich style

Specially commissioned for this Church and installed in 1919 are 19 primary windows and 14 minor windows crafted in the Munich style by European immigrant glass artisans in America during World War I. 

Produced by glass studios of Daprato Statuary Company (Chicago / New York), the lancet windows are outstanding examples of domestically-produced art glass in this category. Daprato Statuary Company holds the title of Pontifical Institute of Christian Art bestowed by Pope Pius X.

Within their elegant stone traceries we enjoy the play of sunlight during the course of the day as the nave and transept windows are positioned in the east/west orientation due to the north/south orientation of the building.

Within these lancet windows we are treated to figures in rich Renaissance era costume portrayed in scenes familiar in classic works of religious art. Costume fabric for all the important figures in each window is elaborately monogrammed.

Our windows are out of scale for the building size—an ingenious decision by our architect, Emile Uhlrich, (who designed Our Lady of Victory later in Lackawanna). Three windows are 16 ft x 20ft. This gives you an indication of the massive size of our windows. And most of them are set low so that they can be enjoyed for a more intimate experience with them.
- St. Mary of the Angels - Official Website (online April 2017)

Photos courtesy of the church

Nave and aisle windows

Stations of the Cross

Presentation of Mary in the Temple

Presentation of Mary in the Temple

Annunciation   ...   Detail below:


Marriage of Mary & Jospeh

Nativity   ...   Detail below:


Joseph's Dream

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Joseph Teaches Jesus   ...   Detail below:

Joseph Teaches Jesus

Jesus Meets His Mother

Miracle at Cana



Mary in Heaven With Baby Jesus

Holy Communion

Special thanks to Communications Director Jennifer Kane for her assistance in 2017

Page by Chuck LaChiusa in 2017
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