Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
PEAR i style
An open space surrounded by columns
A colonnade surrounding a courtyard, temple, etc. (One speaks of a colonnade in a peristyle.)
Peri means "around" and style means "column"; literally, surrounded by columns; a term for a temple or other structure enclosed in a colonnade.
"In Greek and Roman architecture a peristyle is a columned porch or open colonnade in a building that surrounds a court that may contain an internal garden. - Wikipedia: Peristyle
Roman architecture:
Instead of surrounding their houses with large lawns and
gardens, the
Romans created their gardens inside their domus. The peristylium
was an open courtyard within the house; the columns
surrounding the
garden supported a shady roofed portico
inner walls were often embellished with elaborate wall
paintings. |
Atrium: open space without columns
Colonnade: A number of columns arranged in order supporting an entablature and usually one side of a roof.
Court/courtyard: An area open to the sky and mostly or entirely surrounded by buildings or walls; a high interior usually having a glass roof and surrounded by several stories of galleries or the like.
Hypostyle:A building with a roof or (flat) ceiling supported by rows of columns.
Portico: A roofed entrance porch supported on at least one side by columns
Examples from Buffalo:
- Illustration above: Birge Monument
- Buffalo AKG Art Museum