Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
Label stop
1- The termination of a hoodmold (arched dripstone) in which the lower ends are turned away from the opening horizontally
2- Any decorative boss or other termination of a hoodmold, sill, etc.
Found in Gothic Revival, Romanesque Revival, Tudor Revival stylesExamples from Buffalo architecture
- Illustration above: St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral - Definition #1
- Stephen Clement Mansion - Definition #1
- 104 Chapin Pkwy - Definition #1
- Richard Hatch House - Definition #1
- Spencer Kellogg Jr. House - Definition #1
- Buffalo Seminary - Definition #1
- St. Teresa RC Church - Example #1 - Definition #2
- St. Teresa RC Church - Example #2 - Definition #2
Other examples:
- Cross St., Elgin NY - Definition #1
- Lydig Munson Hoyt House, Staatsburg, N.Y. - Definition #2
- Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Definition #2
- Palau de Generalitat, Barcelona, Spain