Millard Fillmore - Table of Contents

Millard Fillmore Illustrations

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Millard Fillmore
Oil portrait by Edward Riegel.

Abigail Powers Fillmore 1798-1853. Died from complications of a cold she caught at the inaugural address of Fillmore's successor.

The Fillmore house in East Aurora that Fillmore built

Fillmore taught in this school house on Ferry Street in Buffalo

The Fillmore Franklin Street home in Buffalo when he was elected Vice-President in 1849

Postcard: The Fillmore House on Niagara Square at Delaware.

Another postcard

The Fillmore House on Niagara Square

The Fillmore House on Niagara Square

The Castle Inn.

Buffalo City Hall Millard Fillmore statue

Fillmore monument at Forest Lawn Cemetery

Detail from previous photo

Abigail Powers Fillmore headstone



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