880 West Ferry Street
Buffalo, NY 14222

Exterior Photos

Interior Photos
880 West Ferry Street

The land on which it sits was by 1817 part of a 59 acre parcel stretching north of Ferry Street owned by William T. Miller, listed as “former proprietor, Cold Spring Tavern.” He was at one time clerk for Elbridge Gerry Spaulding of “greenback” fame.
The house, built in 1884, is one of a row of 6 built by builder and real estate speculator George Chadeayne (1845-1936).

Frame construction in vernacular style, each of the houses having varying details. Built as “town houses,” because they were easy to sell and indicative of a construction trend toward mass production at that point in the rapid growth northward of the city. Mr. Chadeayne lived for many years right around the corner from the houses at 1175 Delaware Avenue and did pretty well for himself at real estate.
He was born in Ossining, NY and I would love to find out how he got to Buffalo (I don’t know when). He married Clara in 1875 in Leroy, NY and they had three children, George, William and Mary. Mary allegedly lived in one of the West Ferry town houses (not mine) as an adult. His son George eventually took over the real estate business. George Sr. and the whole family is buried in the Corfu, NY cemetery, where it appears other family members at least held property.
One of the occupants of my house is Edgar B. Jewett, son of the President of Jewett Refrigerator Co., who eventually was President of the company himself.

- Anne Conable, 2015

[For more information on George Chadeayne, type in his name on the Buffalo Architecture & History search engine.]

Special thanks to owner Anne Conable for her assistance in 2015.
Photos and their arrangement © 2015 Chuck LaChiusa
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