E. B. Green House - Table of Contents

E. B. Green House
180 Summer Street, Buffalo, New York

TEXT beneath Illustrations

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The Summer Street path to the house which is not easily visible to passersby.

Gable roof. Corbel table. Wall gable dormer

Classic portico

Wrought-iron balcony.
Entablature: stylized
Modillions below cornice; Guttae; Doric columns.

Wide overhanging eaves. Curved, segmented brick arch with keystone over windows.

Rear of house. Unusually large for Buffalo, a 1-1/2 acre lot .


Green & Wicks


E. B. Green was listed for a year as the owner of this house.

After the first year, the Josiah Letchworths, E. B. Green's wife's relatives, occupied the house until Darwin R. Martin (Darwin D. Martin's son) purchased it it 1947.

In 1967 Mr. & Mrs. Max B. E. Clarkson became the owners.



See also: Highlights of Buffalo's History, 1900


The most distinctive feature of the house, the Classic Revival portico, was not original to the house. The original portico probably was in the Gothic Revival style which was popular .


One and a half acres of country privacy in the heart of downtown Buffalo.

Photos and their arrangement © 2002 Chuck LaChiusa.
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