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2013 photos
F. X. Winkler & Sons

760 Seneca Street, Buffalo NY

Commercial  Romanesque Revival
Neighboring building:
F. X. Winkler House, 103 Seymour Avenue

Founded in 1857 on Seneca Street, the store remained virtually unchanged and was operated by members of the Winkler family until its closure in 1968.

A model of the type of live-work neighborhood the Hydraulics was during this period, Winkler constructed his large brick Romanesque-Revival building at 760 Seneca Street  around 1893 and a few years later his spacious Queen Anne-styled residence at 103 Seymour Street was constructed backing up on the same property. Mr. Winkler could literally walk out his back door, cross his backyard and reach his business.

Two-part mixed use commercial block brick building is 3-stories with a 7-bay primary south facade.

The ground floor features brick infill set into the original cast iron store front facade which still retains decorative pilasters at each end of the facade and flanking a central entry door.

 "Two-part commercial blocks (the prevalent style from the 1850s to the 1950s) with a facade which was divided into a lower floor public commercial space with unified upper stories which accommodated other functions such as private offices and residences. Later cast-iron and steel columns and supports were incorporated into commercial buildings. This construction method was thought to deter the spread of fires, the scourge of nineteenth- century dense urban landscapes. Victorian-era commercial architecture was often ornamented through the use of cast- iron storefront facades which featured elaborate columns, pilasters, panels, designs and other elements which surrounded the store windows." - The Hydraulics/Larkin Neighborhood - Nomination for Listing on the State and National Register of Historic Places, Section F, pp. 4-5

Top of building: Medina sandstone  string course ... Brick  corbel table

Medina sandstone  voussoirs

Cast iron acanthus leaves on capitals

Corner cast iron pilaster.  Note top and bottom name plate at bottom (detailed in photos below).

Egg molding

Washington Iron Works, Buffalo N.Y.

Photos and their arrangement © 2013 Chuck LaChiusa
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