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2010 - South Aisle stained glass window: SS. Rose of Lima and Genevieve of Paris
St. Louis RC Church
780 Main Street at Edward, Buffalo, NY
Studio: Buffalo Stained Glass Works (Riester & Frohe) - See signature below
Artist: Leo P. Frohe - See signature below
SS. Rose of Lima and Genevieve of Paris.
St Rose (1586-1617) iconography
St. Genevieve of Paris (422-500) iconography
6-winged angel in top quatrefoil that unites the two panels of Saints Rose of Lima and St. Genevieve of Paris
The dual canopies unite the pair of lancets
and frame the figures that might otherwise appear to float in space.
"This device was first introduced in the fourteenth century when German
cathedrals began to soar and windows became taller and narrower." -
Nola Huse Tutag, Discovering Stained Glass in Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1987, p. 93.
Note signature in lower left (blown up in next photo)