Joseph and Minnie Gavin

758 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, NY

Contributing member of the Elmwood EAST National Historic District

 - Elmwood East Nomination for the National Rgister of Historic Places, Sectiion 7, p. 187
On the Explore Buffalo Lafayette Avenue Tour of Homes
September 22, 2018
Research by Judy Tucker

This handsome brick and stucco home features exposed rafter tails and an original slate roof. The home features beamed ceilings, beautiful inlaid wood floors, unique banister spindles, leaded glass windows and a large stained glass window overlooking the foyer. The large dining room contains one of the home’s three exquisite chandeliers. 

The house was built in 1910 for Joseph and Minnie Gavin. Mr. Gavin served as United States inspector of customs in Buffalo under President Cleveland, and was elected Comptroller of the City of Buffalo in 1891.

In 1944 the house was sold to Keith Williams, President of Pratt & Letchworth, a pioneer giant in the open-hearth steel process in Buffalo. Mr. Williams sold the house to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Buffalo in 1950. For the next 45 years this house was home to deans and bishops of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, including Harold Barrett Robinson, Bishop of St. Paul’s and the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York. Bishop Robinson ordained Bishop Michael Curry here in 1978. Bishop Curry attended Buffalo public schools and was the first African-American presiding bishop of the American Episcopal Church. It was Bishop Curry who delivered the memorable address at Prince Harry and Meghan Markel’s wedding.

The current owners purchased the house in 2008. Improvements have included the recent complete renovation of the two second floor bathrooms and kitchen in 2017. They plan to leave the exterior in its original design, but continue deliberate interior restorations, aiming to preserve the home’s character and ambiance.

Arts & Crafts style

Details below, starting at top:

Slate roof and dormer   ...   Short hipped roof   ...   Exposed rafter tails   ...   Pebble dash

Slate roof    ...   Snow bird snow guards   ...   Exposed rafter tails supporting eaves  ...   Pebble dash

Slate roof ...   Snow birds

Cartouche: Ribbon with laurel leaves    ...      Pebble dash

Exposed rafter tails supporting eaves   ...   Battered post   ...   Running bond brick pattern

Exposed rafter tails supporting eaves

East side main entry with shed hood and large Tuscan column supports

Secondary entrance

C scroll  wrought iron supports

Photos and their arrangement © 2018 Chuck LaChiusa
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