Located on the far corner of ECMC property next to NY33
Enter on the ECMC Access Road next to the large stone 563 Kensington Avenue sign.
The Erie County Geographic Information System for Erie and Niagara Counties system confirms ECMC to be the owner.
Photos by Dean Gowen, RLA
Landscape Architect, DWG Planning & Design
More illustrations beneath the text.
Just drove by the gazebo/pavilion
at ECMC (overlooking the 33) the other day and got out and actually
went into the structure
and took lots of pictures. Unfortunately it is definitely
showing signs of decay and neglect, and I am afraid it’s just being
forgotten until at such time as its ready to be demolished for being
“too dangerous.” Unfortunately it’s in a location which is no
longer connected to any facility or park, etc. and is surrounded by
parking lots and roads. The beautiful building (maybe part of the Meyer Hospital complex) that was located across the street from the gazebo was just demolished! I was shocked to see it gone. It makes me wonder if the gazebo is next on their list – especially given the current new construction at the school and hospital nearby?? I’d love to get it moved to a new, prominent location downtown, in the Medical Corridor, or on the waterfront . . . before it’s too late! - Dean Gowen (March 2011) |
Finding information on the existing structure and the three demolished ones has been a quest of mine since the 1960's! The clue here is that the 1927 Erie County Aerial survey does not show anything on the site. The three demolished pavilions were the ones I was most familiar with as they were on the present site of the ECMC building of 1971. They were demolished late 1970 as preparation for the new building. All four were of the same material – but all different in appearance. The main material might be the same cobblestone [Onondaga limestone] that is used in the St Bartholomew/335 Grider Street Church of 1931. The darker stone [Medina sandstone] was also used on all four. The one remaining structure is unique in the elegance of the composition of color in the stones and brick, the incredible copper finial (Thank God it has not been stolen) and the iron rods supporting the roof structure. When I last saw it, the inside seemed watertight under the roof. It merits a preservation of some kind – on site or moved. It's barely visible from the Expressway and from Kensington Avenue – it remains protected by virtue of its institutional proximity. I do not think it would be cost prohibitive to move it elsewhere in the city. There is no long range preservation policy (that I know of) for the Meyer Hospital buildings. The streetcar shelters at Sussex & Grider were torn down a couple of years ago with absolutely no protest (much to my anger). I would think some ECMC building records must mention the structures. Perhaps something from an old Seneca Yearbook might be found. If an aerial survey from the 30's -50's was done, there might be something to see. The main question remains – WHY is it there? I hope you turn up some clue. And I sincerely hope that your spotlight on this leads to a formal preservation – one other than luck! - Mike Schalk (March 2011)