Updated 2007 photos

St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church
Broadway at Emslie Street, Buffalo, NY, Buffalo, NY

Stained Glass Windows

The 35 windows were created by German glass makers in Munich under the direction of Franz Xavier Zettler (1841-1916) who employed 300 craftsmen and did a worldwide business, including many American churches. St. Ann's windows were shipped to the US in 1889 and installed in 1890.

The five upper windows of the east transept, the five windows of the sanctuary, and the five upper windows of the west transept - fifteen in all - represent scenes from the Legend of Saints Ann and Joachim, the parents of Mary who was the mother of Jesus.

The eight lower windows of the transepts show scenes from the Life of the Holy Family.

The twelve widows of the side aisles represent the Articles of the Apostles' Creed.

Click on photos for larger size

The nave or central aisle is 38 feet wide. The height of the nave is 70 feet. The entire length of the church is 216 feet. The sanctuary is 74 feet wide and 3 feet deep.
1600 seating capacity.

The High Altar, dedicated to St. Ann, is a Gothic structure carved of well seasoned wood. Its 235 lights symbolize stars. The central tower is 32' high. 5 paintings behind altar are by a Chicago artist under the direction of Buffalonian Gottfried Frohe.


Updated 2007 photos

The reformed prostitute Mary Magdalene washes the feet of Jesus while apostles look on.

Jesus presiding at the Last Judgment, one of the dogmas of the Apostles' Creed.

Ann instructing
young Mary
while Joachim
looks on.

Joseph instructing young Jesus about carpentry while may looks on.


Virgin Mary Altar in west transept. Transept is 30 feet wide and 102 feet long from east to west.

Ceiling above
Virgin Mary altar

Side aisle is 18 feet wide. Lighting was installed in 1901

Ceiling detail


Note rose window
and organ.

Light fixture
next to pew.

Special thanks to John Edson and Chris Andrle for information about the church in 2002
Photos and their arrangement © 2002 Chuck LaChiusa
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