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Johann Irlbacker

Top: Mary, John, Louise.
Center: George, Johann Irlbacker, Katharine Irlbacker, Anthony.
Bottom: Jacob, Katie, Carrie, Edward.
Source: The History of the Germans in Buffalo and Erie County - Part II, 1898, pages 51 - 55

Johann Irlbacker was born on December 29, 1831 in Trichenricht, near Bayreuth in the Bavarian section of Oberfranken. He arrived in Buffalo on October 18, 1844, accompanied by his parents and 6 siblings, of whom 2 sisters are still living.

On October 20, 1845 he became an apprentice in a brasswares and machining shop. For the first two years he received $50 per year plus board. After these 2 years he became a foreman and his salary was raised by $10 per year.

After working in the workshop of J.D. Schäper and the Plumbing and Gasfitting business of James Thomson, he became self-supporting and established a business, which grew larger with each passing year. The firm is now called Irlbacker & Sons. He and his sons manage the business. It's one of the largest establishments of its kind here in the city and it's located at 529, 531,and 533 Main Street and 504, 506, and 508 Washington Street.

During the Civil War Mr. Irlbacker was a Captain in Company F of the 65th Regiment and helped with the suppression of the rebellion in the City of New York on July 14, 1863.

In 1852 Mr. Irlbacker married Miss Katharine Clear of Walthurn. The marriage produced 9 children, 4 boys and 5 girls. They are Mary, now Mrs. Louis Brunner; Louise, married to Charles Kleber; John, who died on March 24, 1874 at the age of 18 years and 5 months; George, Anthony, Katie, who is married to Frank Chretien; Carrie, wife of Peter Schirra; Jacob C., and Edward F. Irlbacker.

Mr. Irlbacker lives at 766 Ellicott Street.

Irlbacker, John, Buffalo, was born in Germany, December 29, 1831. He attended the public schools in Germany until he was thirteen years of age, when his parents came to America, settling in Buffalo.

He then served an apprenticeship of four years in the brass and bell foundry and all kinds of machinery of Adam Good, afterward becoming foreman in the establishment, where he remained for six years. In March, 1855, he began business on his own account and has since that time been engaged in the plumbing and steam and gas fitting business.

Source:  Our County and its people: a descriptive work on Erie County, New York
Edited by: Trumen C. White
The Boston History Company, Publishes 1898

Special thanks to Francis R. Kowsky for sharing his research in 2016.

Page by Chuck LaChiusa in 2016
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