Saturn Club - Table of Contents
Main Dining Room, Women's Dining Room - Saturn Club
Dining Room |
Dining Room |
Dining Room |
Dining Room |
Floor to ceiling oak paneling throughout |
One of eight pointed-star medallions |
One of three beams with grapevine motif decoration |
Carved panel with scroll design above double doors to kitchen |
Oak Tudor Revival overmantel and fireplace |
Panels with applied geometric shapes |
Stone Tudor Revival fireplace and dog grate |
Detail from previous photo |
Women's Dining Room |
Women's Dining Room |
Women's Dining Room |
Women's Dining Room |
Peak-hooded Norman fireplace of stone |
Lounge is connected, through three wide arched openings, to a long loggia. |
Lattice windows |
Mural on the north wall depicts Aphrodite springing from the sea |
Ceiling beams and joists and open plank work were painted by William C. Francis. |
The sides of the beams portray scenes from the story of Aucassin and Nicolette |
Peak-hooded Norman fireplace of stone |
Detail from previous photo |
Twisted ancone |
Arched niche or shrine containing a primitive carved virgin |
Detail from previous photo |