Colonial: Pilgrim
style carved oak wainscot
side chair:
- Wooden back consisting of one rectangular panel framed by 2 rails
and 2 stiles
- Side stiles project above pierced and curved top rail
- Arms, mortised into side stile
- Rectangular board seat shaped at edges and set on rails, with front rail ornamented
with molded arch
- Block-and-vase
turned front legs; plain rear legs
- Three stretchers
- Bun feet
- Locality and Period: Connecticut. c. 1640-60.
- Wainscot chairs were among the first American chairs; in fact, the few documented
examples were made by the first settlers from England. Though based on 16th-century
English models, early American Wainscot chairs were surprisingly varied. Some examples
were elaborately carved like the elegant English models, while others were quite