Plymouth Methodist Church / Karpeles Museum Table of Contents

Interior Photos
Plymouth Methodist Church /
Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum
453 Porter Avenue, Buffalo, NY

"Karpeles" Pronunciation: KARP e les

Akron Plan : The main feature of the Akron Plan is a large open space, the "rotunda," surrounded by smaller classrooms on one or two levels. These classrooms open onto the rotunda by means of folding doors or sliding shutters. In large churches, the plan may have included as many as 25 classrooms, contrasted to smaller rural churches with only two or three classrooms on each floor.

2002 Photos

Main entrance on Porter Avenue is seen beneath balcony.
To the right Christ the Good Shepherd is depicted in all five arcade panels of the east window,

Christ the Good Shepherd east window

The sanctuary originally had five aangled sections of pews facing the altar, pulpit and choir, the organ being in an alcove or bay behind them.

Christ in the Temple in the south window. 
The side balconies were sometimes used for visiting choirs when the building was used as the Plymouth Methodist Church

One of three balconies

Akron Plan on the second balcony

Akron Plan: Movable section doors in balcony

Ceiling below outdoor cupola. Glass panels are movable for ventilation.

Formerly the Ladies' Meeting Room when the building was used as the Plymouth Methodist Church

Plaster casts to make replacement molds for missing or badly damaged bases and capitals

Clustered column and third balcony

Foliated capitals on clustered column

Acanthus leaves

Balustraded railing

Special thanks to Museum Director Christopher Kelly for his cooperation in 2002

Photos and their arrangement © 2002 Chuck LaChiusa.
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